my story

I believe that our positive relationships in life, with other humans and with nature, should have a visual voice. It’s a way to celebrate and preserve those things that connect us - to each other, to our past, and to our present. It’s why photographs are so important - they hold a significant place in our respective personal histories. That’s why it’s important to me to have things around me that matter, that I can see every day, to deepen the appreciation for the space I live in.

How our lives intersect at times is awe inspiring. I met my husband, Bill, in a collision of worlds, time, and space, when so many other things were supposed to happen and didn’t, and so many wonderful things intervened, and were really supposed to happen instead. Living in New Hampshire, we have two great kids, Lena and Nolan, capably adulting, and teaching me how to function in this ever-changing world.

I’ve been creating art since I can remember and the happiness I felt when I won a contest in Mrs. Parson’s first grade class stayed deep within me. I’ve been honing my skills continually for decades and don’t intend to stop until I’ve taken my last breath. It’s a blessing to share my creativity with you through Positivity Panels, custom Now & Then images, The Gratitude Collection, or Fine Art Prints.

I’m so glad you’ve arrived here. I hope you’ll stay a while, keep in touch with me, and become one of my valued “Studio Friends”.

With gratitude,